About Beth

Beth Meadows is a visual artist living in Knoxville, Tennessee who stumbled upon Organizing in her early 30s. Up until then, she held on to the false notion that chaos and clutter was needed to be truly creative, but after years of frustration and overwhelm, she read a book that changed her life: Getting Things Done by David Allen.

Beth began implementing the lessons she learned from this book and transformed her home and art studio in such an impactful and meaningful way, it changed her life. She quickly realized this was more than just something to do for herself, but this was a calling that mixed her gifts of having a good eye with efficient and budget-friendly problem-solving.

Beth believes that Home Organizing isn’t about having a space that looks like it’s out of a pristine catalog. It’s about creating a space that you will truly love coming home to and that empowers and energizes you to pursue the things in life that are the most important to you.